Price Sheet

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Click to View: Recent Price List as of 1/1/16

***We strive to hold prices when we can.   With our recently published list, we held prices on many of our vinyl and polyester products as well as our popular ICO Floor and ICO Guard Coating systems.  After further review, we are extending that list to include our urethane cements.  In the attached list you will find our pricing returned to our pre-increase rates on the following items:

  • 4100FS
  • 4410FS
  • 4420FS
  • ICO Ure Guard Slurry

In addition to this change, pricing on our 3300GS has also been revised.

Please use the above list and discard any previous versions.  For those who prefer a paper version of the price list, please let customer service know and we will be happy to provide one.

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