Part of the job of resurfacing an old floor typically involves treatment of cracks. Our recommended procedure is that structural cracks at least 1/8” wide should be routed out ½” or so in width and about 1” deep in a v-notch pattern. After cleaning thoroughly with muriatic acid and neutralizing it, the next step is normally to use a crack filler material like our ICO Gel, allow it to dry at least tack free, then apply the final overlayment.
To save time, use of our resin-rich material enables you to fill the crack and apply the finished floor simultaneously. The trowelled mix is “wet” enough to allow for excellent adhesion, but is thick enough so as not to seep out of the crack. It helps to do this on floors that are broadcast with grit for texture as this helps hide any imperfections that might appear due to the difference in depths. This technique can also be used in filling in key ways at entrances and around drains at the same time you are applying the floor. Thus, you have saved a step and valuable time by not having to wait for the crack filler material to dry hard enough so that your finished floor can be applied.
Another useful tip is in the application of our decorative quartz floors. Our standard system, PM DBS, consists of two broadcast coats of our base coat clear resin, saturated with a blend of medium-sized color quartz to provide the desired color, then sanded and top coated with a clear coat of our ICO Sealer epoxy clear coat at about 15-16 mils. This system yields a one eighth inch thick finished floor with a moderate-rough texture, depending on how much sanding is done between coats. In facilities that desire low-maintenance but high gloss floors, it is recommended to apply a second clear coat at about 5 mils, but this time using our urethane, ICO Ure Guard 80 or 500. This step achieves a smoother, easier-to-clean finish with much better gloss retention and UV protection, thereby eliminating the need for waxing.